Hubner: 'Possibility' EU could extend Brexit deadline

Danuta Hubner MEP, a member of the Brexit Steering Group of the European Parliament, says 29 March's deadline when Britain will leave the EU could be extended.

She told BBC Hardtalk's Stephen Sackur that the negotiations so far had led to a certain amount of "Brexit fatigue" on the EU side but the "possibility exists" to extend the deadline but it "would have very strict rules that would have to be respected".

On Tuesday 11 December 2018, the House of Commons will conclude five days of debate with a vote on a government motion to approve the EU withdrawal agreement and accompanying political declaration.

But at present, it looks as if the government will struggle to get the agreement passed.

What happens if MPs reject the deal?

You can see the Hardtalk interview in full on Thursday 29 November 2018 on BBC World News and the BBC News Channel and after on BBC iPlayer (UK only).