Minister's statement blocked over disrespecting rules

Holyrood's presiding officer stopped a minister from making a statement to MSPs because the details had already been released to the media.

Alison Johnstone said that the announcement about the "Benefits of Independence" should have been made in the chamber first “as a matter of courtesy and respect to the parliament”.

However, the Scottish government's intention to launch a fresh push for a second independence referendum had already been made in interviews by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Ms Johnstone said: “Yesterday afternoon, significant news that should have been announced in this chamber as a matter of courtesy and respect to the parliament was reported by national media, trailing a media event this morning.

“It is not possible to square the government’s actions on this matter, with respect for this guidance which is designed to ensure that this parliament is given its proper place.

“The government is in no doubt that I do not regard this as acceptable and in these circumstances the Parliament’s time is used best by moving straight to questions.”