Swansea: Drug dealers in mid-air after police car chase

Two Class A drug dealers trying to escape police were caught when their getaway car ended up wedged in the air between a lamppost and an unmarked police vehicle.

Arif Ali, 21, and Tanvir Ali, 20, were arrested after crack cocaine and heroin with a street value in excess of £11,000 was found inside their cars.

Undercover officers approached a VW Polo when it then made an attempt to evade police.

Driver Tanvir Ali drove dangerously, narrowly missing pedestrians and parked vehicles, before colliding with an unmarked police car.

Both were convicted of two counts of intent to supply Class A drugs, and were jailed on 22 September at Swansea Crown Court.

Tanvir Ali, who was also convicted of violent disorder and dangerous driving, was sentenced to three years and four months. Arif Ali was sentenced to three years and nine months.

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