Greenpeace: Kieron Bryan 'thought he was forgotten' in Russia jail

Video journalist Kieron Bryan, who was among 30 people arrested on a Greenpeace ship in the Arctic two months ago, has been released on bail.

Mr Bryan told BBC News he thought he had been forgotten about, and it was good to see the sky again.

He added that it had been "tough" for the group.

"More than anything, it's the isolation and not being able to speak to anyone, not being able to speak a common language.

"Being trapped in a cell for 24 hours a day is something I don't ever want to experience again, and there are a lot of people inside who have to carry on doing that.

"My plan now is to go to a hotel and have a long shower, leave my room whenever I want, never do another Sudoku puzzle again, and speak to my family.

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