Arab uprising: Fresh concern over Egyptian freedom

On 17 December 2010, Tunisian vegetable seller Muhammad Bouazizi set himself on fire.

His death sparked a wave of protests across the Arab world - from Tunisia all the way to Syria.

To coincide with the third anniversary of Mr Bouazizi's self-immolation, BBC News returned to the countries affected by the uprisings, to assess the resulting change in the region.

Egypt has been one of the more turbulent countries in the years since the start of the Arab uprising.

Long-term dictator President Hosni Mubarak was deposed in early 2011 after weeks of public unrest.

Following more than a year of military rule, Mohammed Morsi was elected as leader of the country in June 2012 - only to be deposed himself earlier this year after just 12 months in power.

Now there is growing concern about a crackdown on dissent.

The authorities have arrested liberal activists for defying draconian new restrictions on public protest.

The military-installed government maintains that the country is on a path to democracy, but many fear a return to the repression of the past.

Orla Guerin reports from Tahrir Square, birthplace of the Egyptian revolution.