BBC Pop Up: What issues matter to Tucson residents?

Immigration, water conservation and issues around Native American land are just some of the issues that concern the residents of Tucson, Arizona.

Locals also told BBC Pop Up the proliferation of Arizonian artists, the hosting of professional bicycle races and the continued revitalisation of the downtown reflect some of the more positive characteristics of the community.

BBC Pop Up is spending January in the arid US city. The team hit the streets this week to find out what video stories Tucson locals want to share with a global audience.

As well as making a series of short films during their stay, they will also teach local journalism classes and work from an area newspaper.

BBC Pop Up is the company's first mobile bureau and is relocating to a new US city each month for six straight months. They are currently on their fifth stop, having just come from the frozen northern city of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Produced by BBC Pop Up's Matt Danzico and Benjamin Zand.

You can find out all about the aims of the Pop Up project and see all the videos from the first four months here. Check out Pop Up's behind-the-scenes blog to see how to get involved.

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