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Live Reporting

Pippa Simm, Alex Hunt and Gavin Stamp

All times stated are UK

  1. Look ahead to Thursday: Corbyn speech and EU countdown

    To the victors the spoils... Vote Leave and Britain Stronger in Europe are celebrating this evening after being awarded lead campaign status for either side in the EU referendum. But are Vote Leave's celebrations premature? Leave.EU, which was backing the rival Grassroots Out application, has said it is considering a judicial review of the ruling and will make a decision tomorrow. They will have to be quick. The official campaign period for the EU referendum starts on Friday. And before that, we have Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's first major speech on the EU vote coming up on Thursday.

  2. John Pienaar to become BBC's deputy political editor

    John Pienaar

    Some in-house news from the BBC. John Pienaar has been appointed deputy political editor of BBC News. Currently chief political correspondent for BBC Radio 5 Live, he succeeds James Landale who is becoming the BBC's diplomatic correspondent. Read the full announcement

  3. Leave.EU to decide legal position tomorrow

    Leave.EU has issued a fresh statement about its position. An hour ago it was clearly suggesting that it would mount a legal challenge to the Electoral Commission's decision to designate Vote Leave. Now it is saying it "has consulted Counsel" and will make a decision by midday tomorrow. Watch this space...

  4. John Whittingdale 'pretty secure'

    BBC News Channel

    BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith says Culture Secretary John Whittingdale is "pretty secure unless anything fresh emerges". It follows news Mr Whittingdale had a relationship with a woman who worked as an escort before he was made a minister. Mr Whittingdale has strong backing among Conservative MPs, Norman Smith adds.

  5. Britain Stronger in Europe 'delighted' at official status

    BBC News Channel

    Will Straw

    Britain Stronger in Europe's Will Straw says he is "delighted" his group has been named as the official Remain campaign (it was the only candidate) and highlights "divisions" on the other side.

    Asked about the possibility of a legal challenge delaying the referendum, he says he hopes it still takes place in June but his group will make its case whenever the poll is held.

  6. Kuenssberg and MPs review PMQs clashes

    The Daily Politics

    Video content

    Video caption: The BBC's political editor and MPs go back over the Cameron and Corbyn exchanges over tax.

    The BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg and MPs Owen Paterson and Hilary Benn go back over the David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn exchanges over tax.

    They spoke to Andrew Neil and Jo Coburn on the Daily Politics after watching the exchanges over tax.

  7. Arron Banks 'duty bound' to challenge EU decision

    Arron Banks

    Arron Banks, the millionaire businessman behind the Leave.EU group, has been explaining his decision to seek a judicial review of the decision to name rival Vote Leave as the official lead Leave campaign in the EU referendum. He has said he is "thoroughly unsatisfied" with the outcome. 

    Quote Message: There are a number of judgements according to the Electoral Commission’s own criteria that do not make sense and we shall be raising those inconsistencies in our action. It is to be regretted that this process may put the referendum back until October but if we are to avoid the most important vote of our lives being rigged then I feel duty bound to take this course of action.”
  8. Why Vote Leave beat Grassroots Out

    The battle to become the official campaign to quit the EU has finally been settled by the Electoral Commission.

    Its decision means Vote Leave gets increased spending limits of £7m during the campaign period, campaign broadcasts and a free mail-out to households.

    But why was Vote Leave, not the rival Grassroots Out organisation, chosen?

    Read more.

  9. Leave.EU calls Electoral Commission's decision a 'stitch up'

    Leave.EU head of communications Andy Wigmore has said it believes the Electoral Commission decision has been a "stitch-up" and it is consulting lawyers.

    Quote Message: We were always aware that this might happen, it clearly has happened, and we are going to take counsel's advice on this."
  10. Was it because of the tie?

    BBC News Channel

    Peter Bone

    Peter Bone, co-founder of Grassroots Out, tells the BBC the group "will continue to campaign in our own right" ahead of the in-out referendum on 23 June.

    Asked if he's disappointed at not getting the official designation, he says the only thing that matters is if the UK votes to leave the EU.

    "Would I like to have won it yes? But will Vote Leave winning it make any difference? Not really," he says - before quipping that GO's fluorescent green tie, which he can be seen sporting, is the reason it didn't get the designation.

  11. Farage: I'll try to bring leave campaigns together

    Mr Farage said regardless of whichever campaign got the designation "UKIP would always have played a big role in this campaign". He added:

    Quote Message: I have always wanted all on the Leave side to come together and have done my best to try and make this happen. I'll continue to do so in the run up to the referendum to ensure the Leave side wins. We in UKIP, as I've said from the start, will work with anyone that wants to leave the EU. We must work together to get our country out of the European Union."
  12. Farage: Immigration is the key issue in the referendum

    Here's some from UKIP leader Nigel Farage's statement responding to the news that Vote Leave - and not Grassroots Out, of which he is part - has got the official Out designation.

    Quote Message: The decision of UKIP to back Grassroots Out was on the basis that they saw the importance of the immigration issue in this referendum, and that we wanted to reach out across the country at a grassroots level and work with everyone from the left, centre and right of British politics to get our country out of the EU. I believe this approach is the only way the Leave side can win this referendum. It is clear that Vote Leave now share my view on this approach, for instance the issue of EU open borders is now a prominent part of their campaign messaging."
  13. The people hoping to persuade the UK to vote to leave the EU

    Vote Leave badges

    Meet the men and women who have been given the job of persuading Britain to leave the European Union in 23 June's referendum, in our handy guide.

  14. Vote Leave scored 49/52, compared with GO's 45/52

    Summary of assessment scored for 'Leave' outcome
  15. Stronger In responds to getting official Remain campaign designation

    Britain Stronger In campaign poster

    Britain Stronger In Europe has welcomed the Electoral Commission's decision to designate it as the official Remain campaign in the 23 June referendum. Will Straw, executive director, said:

    Quote Message: I’m delighted that the Electoral Commission have recognised that Britain Stronger in Europe has the breadth of support, the unity of purpose and the campaigning organisation to be the official Remain campaign in the upcoming referendum. Britain is stronger, safer and better off in the EU than we would be out on our own."

    Mr Straw congratulated opposing campaign Vote Leave on their designation bud said "now is the time for them to come clean with the British people and say what Out looks like".  

  16. Leave.EU seeks judicial review of Electoral Commission's decision

    Leave.EU, which is one of the groups campaigning to leave the European Union, says they are planning to seek a judicial review of the Electoral Commission's decision to make Vote Leave the official "out" campaign group.

    Leave.EU is one of many campaign groups that were supporting GO Movement in its bid for official designation.

    The Electoral Commission has awarded official status to Vote Leave. 

  17. Why does getting the official Remain and Leave designation matter?

    The official campaign for Remain and Leave will have a spending limit of £7m while other groups taking part in the campaign are limited to £700,000 expenditure

    Vote Leave and Britain Stronger in Europe will both be able to spend up to £7m during the official referendum campaign. Other groups taking part in the campaign will be limited to £700,000

    Both groups will be entitled to a free distribution for one leaflet, and they will be able to make referendum campaign broadcasts

    They will also be given a grant of up to £600,000 to help cover administration costs, bills for campaign broadcasts and mailshots.