Republican candidates - Jon Huntsman

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As the first votes of the primary season approach, the BBC looks at the Republican candidates hoping to stand against President Barack Obama in November.

Jon Huntsman

The former governor of Utah joined the race for the Republican presidential nomination with a distinct, if awkward, qualification: he worked for the other side.

As ambassador to China for two years under President Barack Obama, he has arguably the most foreign policy expertise of the Republican field.

But in a campaign driven by economic anxiety and disdain for Mr Obama, he has struggled to rise from the bottom of the pack in the polls and in fundraising.

Mr Huntsman, 51, is the son of billionaire Jon Huntsman Sr, who founded a large chemical manufacturer.

He dropped out of high school to play keyboard in a rock band, later finishing school and graduating from the University of Pennsylvania. He also served as a Mormon missionary in Taiwan, ambassador to Singapore under George Bush Sr, and is said to speak fluent Mandarin.

See a full profile of Jon Huntsman.

Story of the polls

The Republican candidates are all vying for the votes of members of the Republican party in the upcoming state primaries and caucuses. Follow the changes in their political fortunes with the poll tracker, which measures opinion poll support for each candidate.

Find out more about all those running for the Republican presidential nomination on our candidates' pages.

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On the issues

's stance on the issues
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Would reduce the corporate income tax rate, cut "non-security discretionary spending" by 5% and "tear down the vast edifice of regulations the Obama Administration has imposed on the economy"


Would repeal Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare overhaul, even though it is conceptually similar to a plan he supported in Massachusetts; would encourage individuals to purchase their own health insurance rather than rely on their employers


Would make English the official language of the US and "turn off the magnets like tuition breaks or other breaks that draw people into this country illegally"

National security

"It's worth working with the insurgents in the country to encourage regime change in the country. And if all else fails, if after all the work we've done there's nothing else we can do besides take military action then of course you take military action. It is unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon"


Would cap federal spending at 18% of GDP, which the campaign says is the average since 1960, and replace the complicated income tax code with a 20% flat rate


Would repeal Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare overhaul


Has been criticised for his support in Texas for offering children of illegal immigrants the same low university tuition rates as native-born Texans; has suggested using Predator Drones to patrol the US-Mexico border; says a fence along the entire border "does not make sense"

National security

Would deploy thousands of soldiers to the US border with Mexico


"9-9-9" plan calls for a flat 9% individual income tax, a 9% corporate income tax, and a 9% national sales tax


Would repeal Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare overhaul


"We should secure the border for real, and it would be a combination of a fence, technology, as well as possibly boots on the ground for some of the more dangerous areas"

National security

"The first thing that I would do is to assist the opposition movement in Iran, that's trying to overthrow the regime"; Would deploy warships to the Persian Gulf


Would reduce corporate income tax rates; opposes increases in the US debt limit


Would replace Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare overhaul with a system of individual health insurance plans


Calls for a fence along the entire US-Mexico border and will "enforce" English as the official language of the US government

National security

"We have a President who devalues the special relationship with our most trusted ally, Britain, even as he bows to kings, bends to dictators, bumbles with reset buttons, and babies radical Islamists"


Would veto any "unbalanced" budget; refuse to raise the US borrowing limit; and eliminate the income, capital gains, and estate taxes, and cut $1tr from the annual federal budget


Would repeal Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare overhaul; "the answer to it is turn it back over to the patient and the doctor relationship with medical savings accounts"


Would "abolish the welfare state" to discourage illegal immigration and end automatic citizenship for everyone born in the US

National security

Openly questions his rivals' aggressive talk on Iran and calls concerns about Iran's nuclear programme "propaganda" aimed at building support for another US war


Would eliminate the current system of income tax deductions and credits and lower individual and corporate tax rates; would eliminate capital gains taxes


Would repeal Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare overhaul, then consult with governers on a replacement, and says "we need to do a better job in harmonizing medical records"


Has said it would be unrealistic to deport all 12m estimated illegal aliens in the US

National security

Questions the "ill-advised counterinsurgency campaign" in Afghanistan; calls for a "sober-minded" assessment of US commitments abroad


Would make permanent Bush-era individual income tax cuts; eliminate the capital gains tax; reduce the corporate income tax rate; and establish an "optional" 15% flat income tax


Would repeal Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare overhaul and offer in its place tax benefits to encourage the purchase of private health insurance


Would make English the official language of the US and favours "100% control" of the US-Mexico border

National security

Calls for "maximum covert operations" to disrupt the Iranian nuclear programme


Calls for a 0% tax on the manufacturing industry and on repatriated corporate profits earned overseas


Would repeal Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare overhaul and has said: "I was always for having the government out of the health care business and for a bottom-up, consumer-driven healthcare"


Would penalise employers who hire illegal immigrants

National security

"We should be working with Israel right now to do what they did in Syria, what they did in Iraq, which is take out that nuclear capability before the next explosion we hear in Iran is a nuclear one and then the world changes"