Donald Trump: Five things that happened during his latest speech

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President Donald Trump delivered his third annual State of the Union speech on Tuesday evening.

Every US president has to deliver the message to Congress, which is the part of the government that writes and brings in laws, during their time in office.

There's no set date for the speech, but the US laws say it should be given "from time to time".

More: What is the State of the Union speech?

During the speech, presidents talk about what they've achieved and they also talk about key plans they have for the upcoming year.

Here are five things that happened during President Trump's speech.

The US speaker tore up the president's speech

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Nancy Pelosi is the current US Speaker of the House - one of the most senior positions in American politics. The speaker has lots of different duties which include overseeing all the events that go on in the House, appointing committee members and voting on laws.

President Trump handed a copy of his speech to Nancy Pelosi which she later ripped up when his message ended. She told a Fox News producer that it was the "courteous thing to do", given her other options.

There seemed to be quite a bit of tension between president and Pelosi during the meeting. The speaker had offered Trump a handshake earlier which he appeared to refuse.

Trump spoke about inclusion

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At the start of his speech, Donald Trump said that he was building "the world's most prosperous [richest] and inclusive society".

Throughout his message, he spoke about what he'd done to help those from minority groups to tackle issues linked to education, employment and immigration.

He handed out an award...

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President Trump took a break during his speech so his wife Melania Trump could present an award. Radio host Rush Limbaugh was given a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

It's awarded to people who have made important contributions to society. Those who've received the award include filmmaker Steven Spielberg, boxer Muhammad Ali, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, Jr.

...and he also reunited a family

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Trump surprised a military wife by reuniting her with her army sergeant husband who had spent the past seven months in Afghanistan.

Trump set out some plans for the future

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President Trump laid out some of his policies for the future during his speech. He called for more funding for vocational training - that's training for specific jobs - in US public schools and for action to cut the cost of prescription drugs.