COP26: Your thoughts on the climate change conference

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COP26 the conference on climate change in Glasgow has now ended.

For the last two weeks leaders have been talking about ways to try and bring climate change under control.

The promises and commitments have been written down and signed by all those countries attending.

Some activists say COP26 has shown signs of hope, but say promises must be kept. Others think it didn't go far enough.

What's been agreed?

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So, what were the main announcements to come out of the conference?

1. Deforestation

At COP 26, more than 100 world leaders promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030, including Brazil - which is home to the Amazon rainforest.

2. Working Together

The US and China, two of the biggest countries in the world made a surprise announcement at COP26 to would work together on climate change.

Not only that but wealthier countries agreed to dig deeper into their pockets and offer more financial support towards supporting countries who were experiencing extreme weather due to climate change.

3. Methane

More than 100 countries have signed up to a promise to cut methane gas emissions by 30% in less than ten years.

Methane is invisible, doesn't smell and is a greenhouse gas. It's a big contributor to global warming and the majority comes from a range of activities, such as cattle production and waste disposal.

4. Coal

Coal is a type of fossil fuel and burning it has a big impact on the environment.

Leaders have agreed to "phase-down" coal power.

Many countries said they were deeply disappointed and the deal does not go far enough to tackle climate change, although it is the first ever to set out a plan to reduce the use of coal globally.

5. A future meeting

It was agreed that the next conference, COP27 will be held in Egypt in 2022 and it's hoped leaders from across the world will keep their promises and work hard towards fighting climate change.

Image source, Getty Images

What's the response been?

There's been a mixed response to the outcome of COP26 conference.

The US representative on climate change, John Kerry, said it was always unlikely that COP26 would end the climate crisis, saying instead that a "starting pistol" had been fired.

While UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres felt less hopeful, commenting: "We are still knocking on the door of climate catastrophe... it is time to go into emergency mode - or our chance of reaching net zero will itself be zero."

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Image caption,

Greta Thunberg at a protest in Glasgow on the opening day of the conference

And climate advocate Greta Thunberg took to Twitter just hours after COP26 finished to share her thoughts.

"The #COP26 is over. Here's a brief summary: Blah, blah, blah," she wrote.

But we want to hear what you think! Let us know your thoughts on the COP26 climate conference. Were you hoping for more? Or are you happy with the deal?