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'No ball games' signs replaced with basketball hoops in London

"No ball games" signs replaced with basketball hoops in London.Image source, London Sport X London Lions

A new campaign to remove more than 7,000 "No ball games" signs from London, and eventually the UK, has kicked off this week.

Lambeth Council has started replacing the signs with basketball hoops in order to give young people in the area more space to play.

The campaign say the signs are "relics" from the 1970s and 80s, were unenforceable and "nudged people into certain behaviours".

London Sport, a charity involved in the campaign, say the original signs discouraged more than half a million children from taking part in sport in their community.

The new signs say "MORE ball games at any time" and the aim is to give more young people the opportunity to get involved in sport.

Local children take part in some basketball drills in Lambeth, London as part of thier "More ball games" campaign. Image source, London Sport X London Lions

As part of the campaign launch, the London Lions basketball team joined local children in some basketball drills.

The leader of Lambeth Council, Claire Holland, says the signs will hopefully help children feel more welcome in their community.

"This campaign is really vital for us in terms of building a child-friendly borough so that we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to play sport, get fit, play with their friends and lead happy and fruitful lives."