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Was Thatcher an inspiration to girls?

A day after the death of Margaret Thatcher the debate about what she achieved has been going on around the world.

However, despite people's differences in opinion, she still became Britain's first, and to date, only female leader.

US President Barack Obama described her as a role-model for women - saying "She stands as an example to our daughters".

But before Thatcher was elected it was unthinkable that Britain would ever have a female prime minister.

At the time politics was dominated by men - only 3% of MPs were female. So, when she became prime minister in 1979 very few women were debating the big issues that affected the country.

Today, almost a quarter of MPs are women.

But not everyone thinks Lady Thatcher was such a champion of female achievement.

Margaret Thatcher liked to be surrounded by men in her work and didn't think women should get special treatment - just so they could catch up with men in top jobs.

While her politics divided opinion, her role as Britain's first female prime minister will forever go down in history.

Margaret Thatcher liked her work to be surrounded by men and didn't think women should get special treatment - just so they could catch up with men in big jobs.

While her politics divided opinion, her role as Britain's first female prime minister will forever go down in history.

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