Doctor Who: Sonic Screwdriver or Tardis? Peter Capaldi must choose
The wait is nearly over: the new series of Dr Who is nearly upon us.
We took ten young Doctor Who fans to get a tour behind the scenes where the magic happens, on the set of the Tardis itself.
And when the Doctor himself - Peter Capaldi - turned up, they got the chance to ask him some questions from Newsround viewers.
Watch the video to find out:
how he thinks he'll develop the Doctor's character;
how he's been a fan of the show since he was five;
where he'd go if he could travel anywhere in time;
and which he would choose out of the Sonic Screwdriver and the Tardis!
Check back on Friday morning for the final part of the interview: will there ever be a female Doctor?
Part one: Was Peter nervous about taking over from Matt Smith?