How to make the most of your leftover pumpkins

Millions of pumpkins have been flying off the supermarket shelves as we celebrate Halloween at home.

One charity estimates a whopping 24 million pumpkins were carved this year.

But here comes the really scary bit... over half of the pumpkins carved will not be eaten.

A survey of 3,000 UK residents suggests millions of our pumpkins are destined for the bin.

2 in 5 who took part in the survey didn't realise you can eat a carving pumpkin from the supermarket.

Tessa Tricks at Hubbub, an environmental charity, told Newsorund: “Pumpkins are a valuable source of food are not just for decoration. Even if it’s labelled a carving pumpkin, you can still eat it and it will taste delicious with spices like chilli, ginger or cumin."

According to their research, two million pumpkins will end up in the general household bin.

Tessa wants to encourage children to try all kinds of different Halloween treats like pumpkin pie and biscuits.

She added: “Every pumpkin eaten is a step towards tackling the 6.6 million tonnes of food and drink that is thrown away from UK homes every year.” 

Don't forget, if you’re pumpkin has been sitting out in the rain, remember after you’ve finished using it as a Halloween lantern you can put in your compost or food waste bin to help recycle. Now that's a wicked idea!

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