'I'm not sure unvaccinated players should carry on playing'

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Former Scotland midfielder Pat Nevin says he is "very angry" about the numbers of Premier League players who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

In figures released by the EFL on Thursday, a quarter of players in the leagues below the top tier of English football "do not intend to get the jab".

The most recent figures for the Premier League came in October and revealed 81% had had a first jab and 68% were double vaccinated.

"I was very angry when I found out how low the numbers were," Nevin said on BBC Radio 5 Live's Football Daily podcast.

"Society stopped and we let football carry on, but players can't go and get themselves jabbed?

"I can't see the honesty in it. I'm not convinced unvaccinated players should be allowed to carry on playing as it's unfair on the other players."

According to the latest government figures, 81% of players having had a first vaccine dose would still be higher than the average for 16-39-year-olds in the UK.

Listen to full analysis of the Covid situation from 25'34 on the Football Daily podcast

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Source: Gov.uk dashboard 15 December