Bristol in pictures: Busted, Placebo and Sir Ian

A group of people holding drinks smile at the camera ahead of the Annie Mac concert at Bristol Sounds 2024Image source, Nadine Ballantyne
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Music fans gathered in the sunshine ahead of the Annie Mac set at Bristol Sounds

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This was the week the sun had its hat on almost every day, and Bristol made the most of it.

The chief beneficiary was Bristol Sounds, the week-long series of concerts on the harbourside which saw headline sets from James Arthur, Busted, Placebo and Annie Mac.

The series finishes on Sunday with an all-day event headlined by the Breeders. Organisers have adjusted the schedule so ticket holders can watch England play Slovakia in the European Championships at 17:00 BST.

A certain acting legend is also in town ahead of a new play at the Hippodrome this week...

Image source, Nadine Ballantyne

Party time: Annie Mac's DJ set was the main event at Bristol Sounds on Saturday night, the sixth concert served up by the organisers this week.

Image source, Nadine Ballantyne

For one night only: The legendary DJ played Bristol Sounds on her way back from a set at Glastonbury Festival.

Image source, Nadine Ballantyne

Sold out: There may be a certain global music festival taking place in Somerset this week but thousands of music fans have also been enjoying their favourite artists at Bristol Sounds 2024., external Placebo played to a sold-out Harbourside arena on Friday night.

Image source, Nadine Ballantyne

Front row: This trio of Placebo fans managed to bag a prime spot right in front of the stage.

Image source, Nadine Ballantyne

What we go to gigs for: On Thursday night it was the turn of 2000s pop sensations Busted to dust off their guitars and entertain the crowds

Image source, Nadine Ballantyne

Capturing the moment: Fans like these ones at the Busted concert, didn't have to worry about showers this week as the clouds stayed away.

Image source, Nadine Ballantyne

Bringing the X Factor: James Arthur headlined Wednesday night at Bristol Sounds, rolling back the years to play some of his biggest hits.

Image source, Nadine Ballantyne

The shows must go on: James Arthur signalled the second half of Bristol Sounds this year, the annual concert series having begun last weekend with gigs by Skindred and Gentleman's Dub Club.

Image source, Bristol Hippodrome

A legend in town: Sir Ian McKellen pictured during rehearsals for Player Kings, which has a short run at the Bristol Hippodrome this week. The legendary actor is returning to the stage despite a recent fall during a show in London.

Shopping haven: The opening of Cabot Circus in Bristol in 2008 was the biggest development in the city centre for decades. Like many retail centres it has faced tough times in recent years, and its flagship cinema closed last autumn. There are, however, proposals in the pipeline to revive the city centre shopping district, including bold plans for the nearby Galleries.

Catching the last rays: It has felt like summer finally arrived this past week with sunny days and some high temperatures. These people picked the popular north-facing slopes of Victoria Park to watch the sun go down over the city.

Image source, PA Media

Royal visits: There has been much media attention at Southmead Hospital this week as Princess Anne was taken there after suffering an injury thought to have been sustained while horse riding. The 73-year-old left the hospital on Friday to recover at home. Zara Tindall (above), her daughter, was one of the visitors.