Man who drank fake vodka 'could have woken up blind'

The production of fake goods such as alcohol is increasing, according to the EU's crime fighting agency Europol, and it is putting drinkers at risk of serious harm.

Colin Gooch drank two bottles of vodka over six weeks, which turned out to contain dangerous levels of solvents used in paint stripper, anti-freeze and windscreen washer fluid.

He later discovered he could have "woken up blind any day" after drinking the bootleg vodka, which was purchased from a Bargain Booze store in Tamworth.

Colin told BBC Radio 5 live's Victoria Derbyshire: "It tasted slightly sweeter than normal... and I just assumed it was the orange juice that was tainting the taste."

In a statement Bargain Booze said: "As soon as the company was aware of the problem with this store in Tamworth, the franchise agreement was ceased immediately and the store was shut down."

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