Arrested man attacks and shouts at police in Peterborough

Police bodycam footage showed a man verbally abusing and spitting at officers.

It happened as they tried to arrest Charlie Spurrier in Peterborough city centre for being drunk and disorderly. Assaults on officers are increasing, according to a policing union.

Footage showed him lashing out and shouting at officers, who had to restrain him in an ambulance after he repeatedly bashed his own head on bars in a police van, falling unconscious.

Spurrier, 22, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to three counts of assaulting an emergency worker, racially aggravated assault, and a racially aggravated public order offence at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court.

He was sentenced to a total of 33 weeks in prison, including the activation of a previously suspended 12-week sentence for assault causing actual bodily harm.