Nigel Farage should be prosecuted, says Tommy Tomescu

A Romanian dentist standing in Thursday's European elections said Nigel Farage should be prosecuted for comments about his fellow countrymen.

Tommy Tomescu said he decided to run to be a MEP for the Europeans Party in the London constituency, because of attacks on Romanians, Poles, Bulgarians, Slovaks and other eastern and central Europeans.

He criticised the UKIP leader, and also the Tories and Labour, for comments on immigration, and reckoned that "xenophobic people are becoming more and more bold".

Mr Tomescu spoke to Adam Fleming on the Daily Politics, along with former UKIP MEP Nikki Sinclaire, who is standing for the We Demand a Referendum Now party.

And Mr Tomescu said the UKIP leader "doesn't have to be above the law simply because other parties are afraid they will lose votes".

Mr Farage has previously defended his comments about people being concerned about a group of Romanian men moving next door.