Ballet star Carlos Acosta plans new Havana dance school

Cuban ballet star (and leading light of London's Royal Ballet) Carlos Acosta has revealed plans to work with Norman Foster on a multi-million dollar project to transform what was one of Havana's most impressive pieces of post-revolutionary architecture into a new dance school.

Built on the site of Havana's old golf course, the Arts School building is ground-breaking in design but became controversial, was condemned as too "bourgeois" in the 60s, was never completed and now lies in ruins.

Although Acosta plans to finish the job, controversy over the building continues, with the original Italian architect complaining that he has not been properly consulted on the plans - he has written to Fidel and Raul Castro to protest.

Carlos Acosta showed the BBC's Sarah Rainsford around the site, and told her why the project meant so much to him.