Treating former prisoners of so-called Islamic State

This video contains graphic descriptions which you may find upsetting.

In 2014 the German state of Baden-Wurttemberg decided to allow in just over 1,000 women and girls who had once been held by the so-called Islamic State (IS).

Psychologist and trauma therapist, Dr Jan Kizilhan, travelled to camps in Iraq to interview women and girls who had escaped captivity from IS.

Many of them are Yazidis from Sinjar in Iraq where IS fighters are accused of carrying out massacres against the Yazidis and other groups when they attacked the area in 2014.

Dr Kizilhan is himself a Yazidi Kurd who moved to Germany as a boy. He told Hardtalk’s Zeinab Badawi about the difficulty in choosing which women and girls should be taken to Germany for treatment.

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