NI election: Key party policies
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Northern Ireland goes to the polls on 5 May to elect a new assembly. Browse the parties' key party policies below or click or tap a link to read more on a specific area.
Parties listed alphabetically

Seek an all-party approach to health service transformation which is evidence-based and consulted on locally
Support shared education and continue working towards a single education system
Continue to implement 'Going for Growth' - the strategic action plan for agri-food
Continue to develop innovative approaches to removing interface barriers

Seek to increase spending on health by at least £1bn by the end of the next assembly term
Support shared education and continue working towards a single education system
Work with the agricultural industry to implement recommendations arising from 'Going for Growth'
Full implementation of the Fresh Start anti-paramilitary measures

Oppose privatisation of the health service and oppose cuts to frontline services
Ensure that all children have access to an integrated education throughout their academic careers
Encourage organic farming
Ensure a greater focus on domestic violence and the victims of domestic violence

Establish cross-party consensus on health policy
Promote a diverse, shared education system
Deliver the Farm Business Improvement Scheme
Continue progress towards a representative and accountable police service

Create a modern, financially sustainable health and social care system that delivers universal, high quality and safe services, free at the point of delivery
Reverse cuts to university places and reduce student fees ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to access higher education
Support the agriculture industry with polices that cut energy costs, encourage skills development and competitively promote the north's food and drink sector
There can be no room for leniency when dealing with those who attack older people. Introduce mandatory prison terms for those convicted of such attacks

Deal effectively with hospital outpatient and inpatient waiting lists
Northern Ireland must value all its children, but to do so we must equally facilitate the academic potential of some and the different talents of others
Obtain greater stability in farm gate prices, with processors, banks and government all having to play their part
Address the needs of innocent victims

Safe, quality and easily accessible healthcare
Work toward the goal of an administratively unified education system in Northern Ireland
Ensure farmers receive a fairer share of the price paid for their produce in supermarkets
Increase police numbers to the levels envisaged in the Patten Report

Ensure that the bulk of the £55m per day wasted on the EU is put into our patient care for our own people
Stop Sinn Féin and the executive destroying what was once rated a world-best education system
UKIP will stand up to Brussels, Westminster and Stormont in the best interests of our agriculture and fishing industries
Take back control of our borders and recognise, however limited, the benefits of controlled immigration