NI election issues guide: Sport and arts
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Northern Ireland goes to the polls on 5 May to elect a new assembly. Browse the parties' key sports and arts priorities below:

Commit to raising arts spending to at least the average spend on arts in these islands per capita, and review how to make this spending effective
Adopt a specific strategy to improve access to the arts by sections of the community who have lower-than-average uptake rates
Promoting grassroots sports by investing in appropriate facilities
Support community relations programmes which reduce the tendency for some sports, or structures within sports, to be dominated by one part of our community, or which aim to reduce sectarianism, racism, homophobia or other hatred within sports

We will support public art projects to leave a lasting legacy for the Northern Ireland centenary celebrations in 2021
Establish the Institute of Ulster Scots to drive forward a positive research and educational agenda for this vital strand of Northern Ireland's identity
Continue support for community facilities such as 3G pitches
Work to overcome barriers to the engagement by many communities with the arts

Develop art contract clauses similar to community benefit clauses for multi-million pound film and screen projects in NI
Support core investment for the arts at local and executive level to further realise the value and positive impact of the arts
Sport contributes to health promotion, therefore there should be co-operative working between the Department of Communities and Department of Health
Support increased physical education at an early age in schools

Stronger focus on creative industries
Deliver arts and cultural activities to disadvantaged communities
Promote the continued growth of the Irish language
Encourage wider participation in sport for healthier communities

We will form a cultural advisory group to the minister and introduce a new culture and arts strategy
As every £1 invested by the arts generates a return of over £3.60 to the local economy, we should nurture business entrepreneurship within our arts community
Northern Ireland should have further powers over broadcasting devolved to the assembly
Create a collective alliance in philanthropy in Northern Ireland by developing a co-ordinated strategy, including peer and professional support networks for philanthropists and advisory services

Fight for the right of athletes from Northern Ireland in all sports to compete on the international stage for the United Kingdom
TUV ensured that the issue of sectarianism in boxing reached the floor of the last NI Assembly. We are committed to keeping up the fight for a Northern Ireland Amateur Boxing Association
Continue to highlight inequality in funding for sporting organisations
Oppose preferential treatment to the GAA while other sporting bodies are left comparatively with a pittance

Empower our teachers to recognise and nurture the creative potential of our children
Work with 11 local government administrations to ensure cohesion in planning targets and outcomes
Develop a 10-year strategy for excellence - challenging the arts sector, creative industries, universities, FE colleges and business to co-design a strategy that will future proof our place as competitors on the world stage
Increase participation in sport at all ages and levels in conjunction with the health department to encourage better health and wellbeing

See greater cross-community activity and development through participation in organised sport and arts involvement
Support a unifying British culture which is open and inclusive to all, regardless of their ethnic or religious background
Support the 'green and white army' and the Northern Ireland football team. We wish them a memorable tournament in France
UKIP are content to grant 60-40 funding in terms of grants or loans for the arts, provided attendances can be attained to merit using public money
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