NI election issues guide: Health
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Northern Ireland goes to the polls on 5 May to elect a new assembly. Browse the parties' key health priorities below:

Seek an all-party approach to health service transformation which is evidence-based and consulted on locally
A comprehensive set of investments which place mental health at the core of the public health agenda
The creation of a comprehensive cancer strategy that includes parity of treatments with those available in the rest of the UK
Develop a social care system that encourages as many people as possible to remain in their homes and in their communities, receiving the full range of care needs and support

Seek to increase spending on health by at least £1bn by the end of the next assembly term
Employ at least 1,500 more nurses and midwives and 200 more consultants by the end of the next assembly term
Develop a new electronic health and care record to provide complete, accurate, up-to-date information about patients at every point of care, reduce discharge delays and increase the time medical professionals have with patients
Continue increasing investment in cancer care by at least an additional 10% and introduce a new comprehensive cancer care plan for the next decade

Oppose privatisation of the health service and oppose cuts to frontline services
Ensure equality of healthcare services for women, including the extension of the 1967 Abortion Act to Northern Ireland
Improve health outcomes for the LGBT community by promoting evidence-based and accessible healthcare
Promote the vision for mental health and learning disability services outlined in the Bamford Review

Establish cross-party consensus on health policy
Oppose privatisation of health service
Maintain focus on prevention and health promotion
Prioritise funding for mental health services

Create a modern, financially sustainable health and social care system that delivers universal, high quality and safe services, free at the point of delivery
Redistribute services from acute settings into community care - a total of £83m worth of services. Increase GP training places to 111
We'll introduce a fair and well deserved consolidated pay rise for nursing staff while opposing unfair changes to junior doctor contracts
The SDLP is committed to ensuring sufficient funds are made available to improve mental health services as set out in the Bamford Review and that funding is ring-fenced from any budget cuts

Deal effectively with hospital outpatient and inpatient waiting lists
Everyone newly diagnosed with cancer should have access to a clinical nurse specialist (CNS). A workforce census in 2014 revealed Northern Ireland had the lowest provision in the UK
Increased funding for community mental health services to support people in their recovery and further support early intervention strategies
TUV led the campaign for a helicopter emergency medical service for Northern Ireland. We will keep up the pressure for full delivery

Safe, quality and easily accessible healthcare
Improved diagnosis and treatment times in core areas, such as cancer and mental health services
Fair pay for our local NHS staff so that they stop being treated worse than their counterparts in Great Britain
Enhanced care in the community, such as greater treatments offered by GPs and support for the elderly

Ensure that the bulk of the £55m per day wasted on the EU, is put into our patient care for our own people
Demand a better deal for those unsung heroes called carers and their case for deserved better benefits
Ensure foreign health service workers are properly qualified and speak English to a standard accepted by the profession
Press the case for free car parking at hospitals for genuine patient visitors
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Parties listed alphabetically