NI election issues guide: Law and order

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Northern Ireland goes to the polls on 5 May to elect a new assembly. Browse the parties' key law and order priorities below:

Alliance Party
  • Continue to develop innovative approaches to removing interface barriers

  • Use the most effective criminal justice approaches to divert, rehabilitate and reintegrate people who have offended, in order to make communities safer

  • Pursue executive-wide commitment to tackling all paramilitary and organised crime groups

  • Support all of the institutions proposed in the 2014 Stormont House Agreement for dealing with the past

  • Full implementation of the Fresh Start anti-paramilitary measures. Those who continue with paramilitarism must be pursued by all legal means and put out of business

  • Support the establishment of problem solving courts with a particular focus on domestic violence courts and drugs courts. This approach can reduce reoffending and save the taxpayer money

  • Support for the introduction of a central pro bono fund that can provide assistance in cases where legal aid is not available

  • Increase the maximum period of imprisonment for offences involving violence or neglect directed against the elderly or vulnerable

Green Party NI
  • Ensure a greater focus on domestic violence and the victims of domestic violence

  • Raise the age of criminal responsibility

  • Update prison service policy to ensure transgender prisoners are housed in facilities correct for their gender, and not in solitary confinement

  • Expand community policing as part of normalising society

Sinn Fein
  • Continue progress towards a representative and accountable police service

  • Maintain access to legal aid

  • Reduce reoffending by ensuring prisoners can reintegrate into community after custody

  • Pursue truth in relation to actions of security forces during the conflict

  • There can be no room for leniency when dealing with those who attack older people. Introduce mandatory prison terms for those convicted of such attacks

  • Any person convicted of an offence where alcohol is an aggravating factor must serve at least a community service order, if not a prison sentence

  • Establish a dedicated multi-agency drugs strategy to target drug dealers and ringfence seized assets to help those recovering from addiction

  • Substantially reform the criminal justice system to deliver faster, fairer justice with increased accountability, including clear timeframes for cases and proper communication between victims, the PSNI and the Public Prosecution Service

  • Public confidence in the rule of law has been badly shaken due to issues such as the OTR scandal and perceived doubled standards when dealing with republican and loyal order parades. Police must work hard to address this

  • Address the needs of innocent victims. We have achieved things like Ann's Law, which bans terrorists from holding positions as special advisers

  • We support a pension for those seriously injured by terrorist actions in NI, but robustly oppose that those injured while engaged in terrorism or illegal organisations be eligible

  • Courts should be to bring criminals to justice and keep the public safe, not to prosecute people like Pastor James McConnell or Ashers Bakery

  • Increase police numbers to the levels envisaged in the Patten Report

  • Deliver certainty with regard to the PSNI budget to enable proper planning

  • Restore confidence in the justice system

  • Deal with legacy issues arising from the Troubles

  • UKIP are a strong law and order party demanding that laws are returned to the UK and removed from the EU

  • Take back control of our borders and recognise, however limited, the benefits of controlled immigration

  • Legally review the migration impact on schools, employment, benefits and criminal activity

  • UKIP do not tolerate the freedom of movement left unchecked with evidence of ISIS supporters coming from the Republic of Ireland