NI election issues guide: Environment

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Northern Ireland goes to the polls on 5 May to elect a new assembly. Browse the parties' key environment priorities below:

Alliance Party
  • Develop a climate change act for Northern Ireland, with a clear 'road map' for implementation

  • Create an independent environmental protection agency. A more efficient and effective regulatory regime would lead to better environmental management and protection

  • Improve flood defences by using an evidence-based approach to determine what to build and assess how climate change will affect flooding

  • Create a long-term, 40-year energy strategy, to provide a clear 'road map' toward addressing the challenge and one which covers all forms of renewable energy

  • Create a new environmental advisory division within the new Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to help improve the natural environment

  • Develope a greenway network across Northern Ireland that provides traffic-free space for walkers and cyclists

  • Launch a 'Don't Mess With NI' campaign based on the example of Texas - one of the most successful in changing public attitudes towards littering

  • Take forward the work of the Coastal Management Forum with the aim of establishing a single lead department and overhauling the 50-year-old protection framework

Green Party NI
  • Call for the strict enforcement of penalties for illegal dumping and dredging, with funds raised by fines directed into sustainable environmental programmes

  • Bring forward a climate change bill

  • Ban all types of dangerous 'unconventional' fossil fuel extraction, including fracking

  • Reintroduce renewable heat incentive scheme

Sinn Fein
  • Introduce a climate change bill

  • Oppose fracking

  • Promote renewable energy and energy efficiency

  • Increase penalties for illegal dumping and water pollution

  • The DoE single-use carrier bag levy introduced by the SDLP has been a huge success for the environment in terms of waste reduction

  • A climate change bill would provide new recognition of the reality of climate change and further create the clarity businesses and industries need. It should be a programme for government commitment

  • We fundamentally oppose the introduction of fracking. We support the development of new, safe and renewable sources of energy and have introduced a moratorium on fracking

  • There is sufficient scope for an independent environment agency

  • We must act as responsible custodians of our environment so future generations can enjoy the rich diversity of our planet. However, we reject punitive green taxes and limitations on individual liberty

  • There are many drivers of changing climate, including uncontrollable natural forces, and we encourage honest scientific enquiry into these matters

  • We totally reject absurd proposals such as monthly bin collections

  • We are not impressed by the large scale wind farm craze and unrealistic and expensive green energy targets. Wind energy is the most expensive energy form

  • Commitment to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions in line with UK and international obligations

  • Reinstate formal targets to increase our woodland cover

  • Halt the loss of our natural habitats and species

  • Increase penalties for crimes such as illegal dumping and fuel laundering

  • Scrap the monstrous wind turbines which are a blot on the landscape and are economically inefficient

  • Develop a more intimate connection and understanding of the countryside to enjoy and keep tidy

  • Demand an end to squabble provoking red tape by departmental mandarins who do not protect the countryside

  • Fuel regeneration in coastal areas and encourage 'Seaside Town' development to attract holiday business