
  • General and local election updates from 7 and 8 May

  1. Postpublished at 20:31 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Mark Bulstrode
    BBC News Online

    That's it from our 22-hour live page bringing you elections results from Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire and Suffolk.

    It's been quite a journey. Thanks for all your tweets and comments. We hope you've enjoyed the coverage. We'll have more on your local BBC website over the weekend. Have a good one!

  2. Finals thoughts on a landslide daypublished at 20:30 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Andrew Sinclair
    Political correspondent, BBC East

    The new Conservative government now has a lot to deliver in the East as they've made a lot of promises.

    Elizabeth Truss

    That's £400bn of investment in the next five years, 250,00 jobs, the A47 upgrade, on the trains - Norwich in 90 minutes; Ipswich in 60 minutes. The Tories have now got to deliver that as they'll be held to it.

    In terms of the cabinet reshuffle, keep an eye on Elizabeth Truss and Brandon Lewis.

  3. Labour feeling bluepublished at 20:25 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Martin Barber
    BBC News, East

    The east region is a sea of blue today after voters helped put David Cameron back into Downing Street.

    Graphic: The region's MPs

    Despite an intensive campaign by Labour in key marginals nearly half the people that voted across Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex voted Tory giving the party 29 of the 32 seats.

    In Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire, the Conservatives claimed 26 seats, with Labour taking three in the Look East region.

  4. South Cambridgeshirepublished at 20:19 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    BBC Radio Cambridgeshire tweets, external: Tory @heidiallen75 wins South Cambs with increased majority - says background in business appealed to voters

    Heidi Allen
  5. The east landscapepublished at 20:13 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Martin Barber
    BBC News, East

    There are still a number of seats to be declared in the local elections across the east, but this is how the landscape looks so far.

    map of political control in the east after the local elections

    Those areas marked in grey have no overall control.

  6. Uttlesford District Councilpublished at 20:10 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    The Conservatives just hold Uttlesford, external, with 23 councillors - the minimum required to keep control of the 44-strong council.

    The Independents gained eight wards, bringing their total to 10, and the Lib Dems lost one councillor reducing their numbers to six.

  7. Parties share of the votespublished at 20:01 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Martin Barber
    BBC News, East

    After a busy night at the polls this is how the share fell for the parties in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex in the 2015 General Election, reports BBC Look East.

    Graphic: Percentage share
  8. 'The road to Downing Street'published at 20:00 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Andrew Sinclair
    Political correspondent, BBC East

    Labour's Andy Sawford stood on the stage of the Lodge Park sports centre in Corby in November 2012 and declared "the road to Downing Street runs through Corby", he was right - but he was referring to the wrong party.

    Andy Sawford

    Ever since Labour's almost total wipeout in 2010 the party has tried incredibly hard to re-establish itself as a serious force in the East of England.

    "I don't know what more we could have done" one despairing candidate told me today. "We knocked on the doors, we had the conversations, we thought we had the right message". For Labour it's back to the drawing board - again.

  9. Tendring District Councilpublished at 19:54 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    David Keller
    BBC News Online

    In the area where UKIP gained its first MP in a general election, it fell just sort of becoming the leading party at Tendring District Council, external.


    Conservatives now have 23 seats, losing 10, with UKIP gaining 22 seats, forcing the authority to no overall control. Independents now hold seven seats, with Labour on four, the The Holland-on-Sea Residents Association on three and the Lib Dems on one.

    With the last election being in 2011, it was no surprise to see such a huge swing, but it certainly signals the popularity of UKIP in this part of Essex.

  10. Colchesterpublished at 19:52 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Mark Bulstrode
    BBC News Online

    More on Sir Bob Russell. He shed more than 8,000 votes to lose the Colchester seat that he first won for the Lib Dems in 1997.

    Sir Bob Russell

    His 6,982 majority from 2010 was wiped out as Conservative candidate Will Quince won 18,919 votes to beat Sir Bob into second place - a majority of 5,575.

    UKIP more than quadrupled its vote with 5,870, while Labour added over 2,000 votes to finish third with 7,852.

  11. Northampton Borough Councilpublished at 19:50 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Northampton Chronicle & Echo tweets, external: "Council chief David Kennedy: 'I have 2 announcements. One is a declaration. The other is I have decided to open the bar!' [Mass cheering]"

  12. Colchesterpublished at 19:50 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Zoe Applegate
    BBC News

    Harwich and North Essex Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin has paid tribute to Liberal Democrat Sir Bob Russell, who lost his Colchester seat to Conservative Will Quince.

    Bernard Jenkin

    "Bob Russell leaves a great legacy of public services - 18 years as the Member of Parliament for Colchester and before that a very prominent figure in local government," he said.

    "Will is going to be a very able MP but he has got a big act to follow."

  13. Peterborough City Councilpublished at 19:49 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    David Keller
    BBC News Online

    Reacting to his shock loss from Peterborough City Council, external, former leader Marco Cereste spoke about the rise of UKIP which ousted him from power.

    Marco Cereste

    "UKIP is UKIP, it's the flavour of the moment. King Canute couldn't hold back the tide and nor can I," he said.

    "The wonderful thing about this country is we have a democracy - it doesn't work, but we don't have anything better, so long live democracy."

  14. Bury St Edmundspublished at 19:48 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Bury Free Press

    Jo Churchill made history in Bury St Edmunds, becoming the constituency's first female MP.

    Mrs Churchill, the Conservative Parliamentary candidate, streaked ahead of the competition to win the seat, gaining 31,815 of the 59,566 votes cast.

  15. East Cambridgeshire District Councilpublished at 19:43 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    The Liberal Democrats lost all but two councillors on East Cambridgeshire District Council, external, down from 10, there's only one Independent councillor left - and this leaves the Tories in control of 36 out of 39 wards.

  16. "Big boots to fill," says Pursglovepublished at 19:42 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Northamptonshire Telegraph

    Conservative Tom Pursglove has paid tribute, external to ousted Labour MP Andy Sawford after he took the Corby constituency in the General Election.

    Mr Pursglove said: "Andy did a fantastic job and his are big shoes to fill."

  17. Luton Southpublished at 19:41 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Dani Bailey
    Beds, Herts & Bucks Live

    Labour's Gavin Shuker has been re-elected as MP for Luton South for a second-term.

    Mr Shuker said in his victory speech that he was proud to see a red dot in a sea of blue: "It's been a difficult and disappointing night for out party.

    "I stood because I thought it made a difference that there was someone local who could make a stand... regardless or people's backgrounds, where they come from or where they're going".

  18. Lib Dem slump worst in 41 yearspublished at 19:39 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Watford Observer

    The Liberal Democrats slumped to their worst result in more than 40 years, external on a night when David Gauke was re-elected as MP for South West Hertfordshire.

    Labour's Simon Diggins finished second in the party's best performance since 2001, taking 9,345 votes.

  19. East Hertfordshirepublished at 19:38 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Dani Bailey
    Beds, Herts & Bucks Live

    A Conservative majority has been declared at East Hertfordshire District Council with all 50 wards being occupied by the party.

    Stag in Parliament Square, Hertford

    The Tories take two opposing seats from Independents and two from the Lib Dems.

  20. Bedford Mayoral electionpublished at 19:38 British Summer Time 8 May 2015

    Dani Bailey
    Beds, Herts & Bucks Live

    The Bedford Mayoral, external election will now be counting second preference votes towards the result as there is no outright winner between Lib Dem Dave Hodgson and Conservative Jas Parmar.

    Bedfordshire on Sunday tweet, external: Dave Hodgson currently leads with 25, 282 votes , Jas Parmar with 19, 417. Adrian Haynes claimed 7060 and Tim Douglas clocked in 15, 931 JH