Good night everyonepublished at 19:24 British Summer Time 13 July 2014
Craig Frew
BBC Scotland
That's all from Queen's Baton Relay Live for today.
The last leg of the relay in Dunoon brings today's proceedings to a close.
Massive crowds watched Paul Kerr carry the baton at Castle House Museum in Dunoon.
Earlier the baton was brought by speedboat to Strachur after spending some time in the clink at Inveraray Jail.
Thank you for your patience during video drop outs, and for all the great emails and tweets you shared with us.
The baton is in Inverclyde tomorrow. Join us from 08:30 BST for live coverage.
Are you, or is someone you know, taking part in the relay tomorrow? We would love to hear from you on email. For the latest on the baton relay visit our website.