Ciara Mageean returns home after winning European Championship 1500m medal

Portaferry athlete Ciara Mageean says she is thrilled to join Sonia O'Sullivan and Derval O'Rourke as the only Irish female athletes to win a European Championship medal.

Three years after her career looked in peril because of an ankle injury, Mageean clinched 1500m bronze in Amsterdam on Sunday.

"It was a long, tenuous road back to championship running," said Mageean, who had an outstanding junior career before suffering her injury.

"If you had talked to me three years ago, I was confident I was going to try (to come back) but you can never be sure what the future is going to bring."

Mageean will race at the Morton Games in Dublin on 22 July before she travels to Rio for next month's Olympic Games.