EU referendum: Tory MPs table Queen's Speech amendment

More than 100 Conservative MPs could vote for a motion expressing regret that there was no bill on an EU referendum in the Queen's Speech.

Phillip Hollobone is one of the group wanting to table an amendment to the Queen's Speech next week, expressing regret that there was no EU referendum plan among the 20 bills announced for the coming year.

He wants to leave the EU now, and said the British people should have a say "sooner rather than later". Mr Hollobone said 81 colleagues rebelled last time and he "would not be surprised if the number was in excess of 100" next time.

Tory big beasts such as Lord Lamont, Lord Lawson and Michael Portillo have spoken out this week for Britain to leave the EU ahead of David Cameron's planned referendum around 2017, should his party win the next general election outright.

A Yougov poll for the Times this week found that if an in-out referendum was held now, 46% would vote to quit the EU, against 35% who would vote to stay in.

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