PMQs: Tapsell claims Blair falsified Iraq evidence

Conservative MP Sir Peter Tapsell spoke of the "disgraceful incompetence" about the delay into the publication of the Chilcot Inquiry.

He said there were "widely held suspicions" that former Prime Minster Tony Blair conspired with the US President George W Bush and "systemically sought to falsify the evidence" months ahead of the military action in Iraq.

David Cameron did not address the allegations about his predecessor, but said the delay was "extremely frustrating" and it would not be right for him to try to interfere.

And he said it would have been published by now if Labour had backed his party's earlier calls for an inquiry.

Tony Blair's office released the following statement: "Incorrect allegations and politically motivated speculation do nothing to shine a light on the issues involved. It is an independent inquiry and it should be allowed to proceed with its work."

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