Church in Wales: Code of practice for women bishops

People who object to women bishops on the grounds of conscience can remain in the Church in Wales.

Archbishop of Wales Barry Morgan outlined the code of practice for women bishops at a meeting in Trinity St David in Lampeter on Wednesday.

Anyone who objects to being ordained by a woman can make a written request for it to be carried out by a man.

But the meeting rejected calls there should always be a man who opposes the idea of women bishops on the panel that discusses changes.

Dr Morgan said: "I don't expect everyone to agree".

The code will mean any woman bishop is on the same terms and has the same jurisdiction as her male counterparts

There are provisions for people to object to the ministry of women bishops, but these must be pastoral.

The Archdeacon of Llandaff, the Ven Peggy Jackson said she hopes it will enable everyone to remain within the church.

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