Phone intercepts suggest separatists shot down plane

The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has released what they say are intercepted phone conversations that prove Flight MH17 plane was shot down by pro-Russian separatists.

The audio recording, published by the SBU to its YouTube account captures three separate conversations regarding the Malaysian airliner, which was reportedly downed in the eastern Ukrainian town of Hrabovo, north of Torez, on July 17.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has blamed the Ukraine government for restarting military operations in the area, where it is trying to regain control from pro-Russian rebels.

"The country in whose airspace this happened bears responsibility for it," he said.

Separatist leader Alexander Borodai accused the Ukrainian government of downing the airliner.

Ukraine's defence ministry issued a statement saying there were no air force jets in the area and no surface-to-air systems being used against the rebels.

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