Kurdish father's grief after hearing disabled son has died

In a camp for Yazidi refugees, near what was the Iraqi-Syrian border, the father who had to abandon his disabled child has learned that his son has died.

Jalal Badr Piso and his wife were forced to abandon their disabled four-year-old son, Aziz, on Sinjar mountain as they fled the IS advance in Iraq.

Kurdish fighters rescued Aziz from the mountainside and took him to a hospital in Kurdish-controlled Syria to be treated for extreme dehydration and sunburn to the eyes.

When Aziz's photo appeared on Facebook and the BBC, relatives alerted the father.

Jalal made the journey to Syria on Thursday, hoping to be reunited with his son, but he arrived too late. Aziz died early that morning.

Whole communities of minority Yazidis and Christians have been forced to flee in the north of Iraq, along with Shia Iraqis, whom IS do not regard as true Muslims.

Gabriel Gatehouse reports.