Dracula Ant's snap-jaw makes it the fastest animal in nature

Forget cheetahs, peregrine falcons and eagles - they're all slowpokes compared to the animal kingdom's new speed champion.

The new fastest animal is really quick and pretty weird! The snap-jaw ant, also known as the 'Dracular ant' snaps its jaws - or mandibles - at an incredible speed of 200 mph!

While it can't run as fast as a cheetah, that bite is the fastest animal movement on record and 5,000 times quicker than the blink of an eye.

Now this is the gross bit... The ant which lives in Australia, tropical Africa and South-East Asia, gets it's name from its strange feeding habits. As a grown-up these ants can't eat solid food, but their young can. So the ants feed prey to its kids, then sucks their children's blood to get vital nutrients. Amazingly the young ants are fine but it still sounds like bad parenting to us... Yuck!

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