James Wharton on the Tories and Europe, and his private member's bill

A Conservative backbencher who told the BBC on Wednesday that MPs should be talking about issues that matter to voters ahead of the rebel EU amendment on Europe, is to introduce a bill paving the way for a referendum on the UK's EU membership.

Before the vote, on Wednesday evening, James Wharton told the BBC's Norman Smith that MPs were "at risk of not being seen to talk about the things that matter because we're just talking about Europe".

But 24 hours later, he told the same correspondent it was "once and for all, time the matter is settled and people are given choice".

The Stockton South MP said he had not spoken to David Cameron since he topped a ballot of MPs which allows him to introduce his own legislation. His bill will be given Parliamentary time, but is set to face opposition from Labour and Lib Dems.

The clips shows BBC News Chanel interviews with Mr Wharton on Wednesday and Thursday.