Who are the Smith Commission party representatives?

A commission tasked to deliver more devolved powers for Scotland was announced by Prime Minister David Cameron in the wake of the referendum result.

Lord Smith of Kelvin, who was given the job of leading the commission, wrote to campaigners on both sides of the independence debate asking for a range of representatives.

Here are those Smith Commission representatives, nominated by the political parties.

Commission members

Name Who am I? Name Who am I?
John Swinney (SNP) John Swinney

As Scottish finance secretary, the SNP MSP is one of the Scottish government's most senior ministers.

Linda Fabiani (SNP) Linda Fabiani

Former convener of a special Scottish Parliament committee set up to look at new devolved powers and ex-Scottish culture minister.

Annabel Goldie (Scottish Conservatives) Annabel Goldie

Leader of the Scottish Conservatives between 2005 and 2011 and now constitution spokeswoman for her party. The West of Scotland regional MSP became a life peer in the House of Lords in 2013.

Adam Tomkins Adam Tomkins

Glasgow University law professor put forward as a commission representative by the Conservatives.

Patrick Harvie (Greens) Patrick Harvie

A prominent figure in the campaign for independence and co-leader of the Scottish Greens, as well as serving as an MSP for the Glasgow region.

Maggie Chapman (Greens) Maggie Chapman

Scottish Green co-leader and Edinburgh councillor.

Michael Moore (Lib Dem) Michael Moore

Secretary of state for Scotland in the UK government between 2010-13 and MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk.

Tavish Scott (Lib Dem) Tavish Scott

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader from 2008-11, MSP for Shetland and former Scottish cabinet minister.

Iain Gray (Labour) Iain Gray

Scottish Labour leader from 2008-11. The East Lothian MSP also served as enterprise minister in the previous Labour/Lib Dem Scottish government.

Gregg McClymont (Labour) Gregg McClymont

Shadow pensions minister and MP for Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintilloch East.

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