In Pictures: The Winter Fair 2021

  • Cyhoeddwyd
Pynciau cysylltiedig

Llynedd cafwyd siom aruthrol wedi i'r Ffair Aeaf gael ei gohirio. Ond eleni mae'r torfeydd wedi dychwelyd i Lanelwedd i fwynhau diwylliant amaethyddol Cymru.

Dyma rywfaint o'r golygfeydd o Ffair Aeaf 2021.

There was huge disappointment last year as the Winter Fair was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But this year the crowds were back in Llanelwedd on 29-30 November to enjoy the best of Welsh agriculture.

Here are some of the scenes from the 2021 Winter Fair.

Yn mwynhau eistedd ar y peirianwaith oedd Arthur a'i chwaer fach Gwen o Dregaron.

Arthur and his sister Gwen from Tregaron trying out some farm machinery.

Bleddyn yn dangos rhai o'r moch o'i fferm yn Llannon i'w ffrindiau, Cai a Gruff.

Bleddyn showing off one of the pigs from his farm in Llannon to his friends, brothers Cai and Gruff.

Trafod busnes ac archwilio'r stoc.

The sheep shed was the place to inspect stock.

Coeden Nadolig yn gefndir i lwyfan yr anifeiliaid a'r cystadleuwyr.

A Christmas tree was never too far away from the contestants or animals.

Yn ymweld am y dydd oedd bachwr y Scarlets, Cymru a'r Llewod, Ken Owens

A famous face in the food hall; Scarlets, Wales and Lions hooker, Ken Owens.

Roedd y gwartheg yn eu holau yn y sioe, gyda chystadlu brwd yn y prif gylch.

The cattle were a popular attraction at the main ring.

Yr efeilliaid, Enfys a Seren o Gwmduad yn Sir Gâr, yn teithio rownd y maes mewn tractor a threilar.

Twins Enfys and Seren from Cwmduad, Carmarthenshire with a special means of transport around the ground.

Tywys y ceffylau i gwrdd â'r beirniaid.

Leading the impressive horses to see the judges.

Torf yn ymgynnull i weld y bustych.

A crowd gathering to see the cattle on show.

Caws, cigoedd, cyri, jam, hufen iâ... mae pob math o fwydydd ar gael yn y sioe.

Cheeses, meats, curry, jams, ice cream... there were all kinds of food available at the show.

Ocsiwn ddefaid, a oedd yn cynnwys llawer o enillwyr y dydd.

A sheep auction, where many of the fair's champion sheep are sold.

Stephen o Keaey View ger y Drenewydd yn paratoi ei fuwch limousin cross cyn y gystadleuaeth.

Stephen from Newtown preparing his limousin cross for a competition.

Dipyn o adloniant wrth y stondinau; canu carolau er mwyn cadw'n gynnes.

There were carol singers at the ground getting into the festive spirit.

Y pencampwr yn y categori bustach yn cael ei arwain i'r Prif Gylch gan ei berchennog, Richard Wright o Wlad yr Haf.

The champion steer of the 2021 Winter Fair, being lead to the Main Ring by his owner, Richard Wright from Somerset.

Derfyn dydd; Cerdded heibio goleuadau'r maes ar ôl diwrnod oer ond llwyddiannus.

The cold of winter hit the showground, but there were atmospheric lights to guide people home.

Pynciau cysylltiedig