Castell Citizen Kane
- Cyhoeddwyd

Castell San Dunwyd sydd, ers 1962, wedi bod yn gartref i UWC Coleg yr Iwerydd. // Since 1962 St Donat's Castle has been the home of UWC Atlantic College.

Mae darnau gwreiddiol y castell yn dyddio nôl i'r ddeuddegfed ganrif. // Original parts of the castle date back to the twelfth century.

Er mai coleg yw'r adeilad bellach mae'n anodd osgoi hanes yr hen gastell. // Even though it is now a college, the remnants of the old castle remain.

Arfbais teulu Stradling, adeiladwyr gwreiddiol y castell. // The coat of arms of the Stradling family, who originally built the castle.

Does neb yn rhy siŵr pwy yw'r gŵr yn y cylch. Unrhyw awgrymiadau? // Not quite sure who the gentleman in the circle is. Any suggestions?

Cwrt mewnol y castell. // The castle's inner courtyard.

I mewn â ni trwy goridorau troellog y castell. // And so inside, through the castle's twisty corridors.

Mae traed enwogion fel Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks Jr a'r John F Kennedy ifanc wedi camu i fyny'r grisiau yma. // If only stairs could talk! Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks Jr and a young John F Kennedy are amongst the famous people to have visited St Donat's Castle.

Ystafell Standley. Os byddwch yn priodi yn y castell, efallai mai yma y byddwch yn aros... mewn gwely sengl? // The Standley Room. If you get married at the castle this is where you may be staying... in single beds?

Pan ddatblygodd William Randolph Hearst y castell, daeth trydan a system blymio a charthffosiaeth. Mae'r ystafell folchi hon yn goroesi o'r cyfnod roedd y perchennog papurau newydd yn berchen ar y castell. // William Randolph Hearst brought electricity and modern plumbing to the castle and this is one of the few remaining original bathrooms from this period.

Gwau ein ffordd unwaith eto trwy goridorau ysblennydd, a gweithio'n ffordd tuag at ystafell wely William Randolph Hearst... ydych chi'n barod? // Out we go again through ornate corridors, and towards William Randolph Hearst's bedroom... prepare yourself!

A dyma fe! Y stafell wely nawr yw ystafell ddosbarth Economeg y coleg. // Here it is! Now it's UWC Atlantic Colleges' Economics classroom.

Drws nesaf mae ystafell wely ei gariad honedig, Marion Davies... a dyma'r drws cudd sydd yn cysylltu'r ddwy stafell. // The next door is the room used by Hearst's secret lover Marion Davies... and here's the secret door which connected their rooms.

Cafodd Neuadd Bradenstoke ei hail-adeiladu gan Hearst tua 1930, ond gyda tho gwreiddiol Abaty Bradenstoke. // Hearst re-built Bradenstoke Hall in the early 1930s using the original roof from Bradenstoke Abbey.

A dyma fel mae'r estyniad yn edrych o'r tu allan. Does dim rhyfedd i George Bernard Shaw ddweud: "Dyma beth fyddai Duw wedi adeiladu... petai ganddo'r cyllid!" // And this is the extension from the outside. No wonder George Bernard Shaw was quoted as saying: "This is what God would have built if he had had the money!"

Mae'r neuadd fawr yma'n wreiddiol i'r castell a bellach yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel ffreutur gan UWC Coleg yr Iwerydd. // The Great Hall is original to the castle and is now used as a refectory by UWC Atlantic College.

Yr hen a'r newydd yn gymysg yn y Neuadd Fawr. // The old and new mixed in the Great Hall.

Cofeb i Kurt Hahn, Almaenwr a sefydlodd fudiad Colegau Unedig y Byd. Bellach mae 14 coleg ond UWC Coleg yr Iwerydd oedd y cyntaf. // Memorial to Kurt Hahn, a German who established United World Colleges of which UWC Atlantic College was the first.

Un o greaduriaid Gardd y Bwystfilod. Mae'n debyg fod 'na ddim un cornel yn yr ardd lle nad oes un o'r cerfluniau'n syllu arnoch. // One of the creatures in the Beast Garden. Apparently there isn't a single spot in the garden where you can escape the gaze of at least one beastly creature!

Tystysgrif sy'n cydnabod cysylltiad y coleg â Sefydliad y Badau Achub. Roedd gan y coleg dîm bad achub eu hunain tan 2013. // Certificate recognising the link between the college and the RNLI. The students ran a local Lifeboat station until 2013.

Y coleg ger y lli. // Where the college meets the coast.

Pwll nofio'r coleg. Ar hen bwll ar y safle hwn y dysgodd y John F. Kennedy ifanc i nofio, yn ôl y chwedl. // The College's swimming pool. According to legend, it was in a swimming pool on this site a young John F. Kennedy learnt to swim.

Mae gardd er cof am Nelson Mandela yn arwydd o naws gynhwysol a ryngwladol y coleg. // A garden in memory of Nelson Mandela is a sign of the inclusive and international ethos of the college.

Arwydd sydd yn dangos lleoliadau a phellter colegau eraill United World Colleges / Colegau Undebol y Byd. // A signpost showing the locations and distances of the other United World Colleges.
Straeon perthnasol
- Adran y stori
- Cyhoeddwyd14 Awst 2011