Lluniau: Gŵyl Rhif 6 2017 // Festival No 6 in pictures

  • Cyhoeddwyd

Er gwaetha'r tywydd gwlyb mae miloedd wedi mwynhau Gŵyl Rhif 6 unwaith eto eleni. Dyma rai o uchafbwyntiau'r tridiau ym Mhortmeirion. Ffotograffydd Cymru Fyw ydy Iolo Penri o Gaernarfon:

Despite the wet weather thousands of people enjoyed this year's Festival No 6. Here are some of the highlights from the three days in Portmeirion. Cymru Fyw's photographer was Iolo Penri.

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Roedd angen rhain! // These were much needed!

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Côr y Brythoniaid yn un o atyniadau blynyddol Gŵyl Rhif 6 // Y Brythoniaid Male Voice choir are an annual attraction at the festival

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Dydy'r tywydd ddim wedi taflu dŵr oer ar ysbryd yr ŵyl // Spirits are high despite the weather

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Beth yw dy enw di tybed? // What's your name then?

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Gin-digedig! // Gin-ious at work

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Perfformiad acrobataidd gan Heliosphere // Heliosphere's acrobatic performance. Looks a bit like the white ball 'The Prisoner' was always trying to evade in the 60s TV series.

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Does dim angen edrych y tu hwnt i Gymru i gael mwynhau gŵyl safonol // You don't have to look beyond Wales to find a high quality festival

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Torf fawr ar gyfer perfformiad Bloc Party // Bloc Party take to the stage

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Steve Davis yn troelli disgiau. Diddorol 'de? // Former snooker ace Steve Davis cueing up the techno tracks

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Ble 'dan i dudwch? // Where are we?

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Chroma, un o artistiaid prosiect Gorwelion eleni, yn cael y cyfle i berfformio // Welsh newcomers Chroma performing

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Pulp-ud pop Jarvis Cocker // It's Jarvis's turn to DJ. Any Pulp classics in the set?

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Gofalus!! // Careful!!

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Di rhain yn pigo? // A bees-y weekend for some

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Yr awdur Irvine Welsh // Did author Irvine Welsh have time for some 'Trainspotting' at Porthmadog station on his way to Portmeirion?

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Does neb wedi dweud wrth Nel a Nanw nad ydy hi yn dywydd hufen iâ // Surely too cold for ice cream?

Disgrifiad o’r llun,

Charlotte Church ar y llwyfan // Charlotte Church wooing the crowd