Canlyniadau Dydd Sadwrn 4 Awst // Results for Saturday 4 August
- Cyhoeddwyd
Holl ganlyniadau Dydd Sadwrn 4 Awst a chlipiau o'r cystadlaethau.
All the results from Saturday 4 August and clips of the competitions.
Bandiau Pres Dosbarth 4 (15) / Brass Bands Section 4 (15)
Bandiau Pres Dosbarth 4 (15) / Brass Bands Section 4 (15)
1. Band Pres Rhondda Uchaf
2. Band Gwaun Cae Gurwen
3. Seindorf Arian Dyffryn Nantlle
Bandiau Pres Dosbarth 2 (13) / Brass Bands Section 2 (13)
Bandiau Pres Dosbarth 2 (13) / Brass Bands Section 2 (13)
1. Band Pres Bwrdeistref Casnewydd
2. Band Melingriffith 2
3. Band Tref Blaenafon
Cystadleuaeth Gorawl Eisteddfodau Cymru (34) / Choral Competition (34)
Cystadleuaeth Gorawl Eisteddfodau Cymru (34) / Choral Competition (34)
1. Côr Caerdydd
2. Côr Bro Meirion
3. Côr Seingar
Bandiau Pres Pencampwriaeth/Dosbarth 1 (12) / Brass Bands Championship/Section 1 (12)
Bandiau Pres Pencampwriaeth/Dosbarth 1 (12) / Brass Bands Championship/Section 1 (12)
1. Band Tylorstown
2. Band BTM
3. Seindorf Arian Deiniolen
Enillwyr prif gystadlaethau'r adran Celfyddydau Gweledol / Winners of the main Visual Arts competitions
Y Fedal Aur am Gelfyddyd Gain / Gold Medal for Fine Arts
Nerea Martinez de Lecea
Y Fedal Aur am Grefft a Dylunio / Gold Medal for Craft and Design
Zoe Preece
Y Fedal Aur am Bensaernïaeth / Gold Medal for Architecture