20 January 2015
Last updated at 19:14
Beijing's dilemma
China faces demands for greater freedoms
Sport v politics
Does democracy matter in sport? BBC Sport
Painful jigsaw
What regions should England be broken into?
'Rubik's Cube election'
How forming a new coalition could see a long war
Unfriended over politics
Can you click away a political movement?
Democracy denied
African countries whose leaders choose power before people
Scotland votes 'No'
What will happen after the Scottish referendum?
The power of a fast
A protest holding the key to what ails India?
Democracy delayed
Why Thailand faces a long wait for free elections
'Democracy tourists'
Taiwan's local elections attract Chinese visitors
Beijing victory?
Carrie Gracie asks if China won in Hong Kong
Diplomatic thaw
Cuban voices are increasingly being heard on Twitter
'Life goes on'
A rarely seen glimpse of everyday life in North Korea